Examination of Conscience for Confession

Third Commandment Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day: |
Have I neglected to hear Mass on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation without just cause? |
How often? | Have I neglected to keep Sunday holy by idleness, shopping, transacting business unnecessarily, or committing grave sins? Have I been an accessory to others so doing? |
How often? |
Have I done any servile work without necessity upon any Sunday, Holy Day of obligation, or been accessory to others so doing? |
How often? |
Have I eaten meat on days of abstinence or broke my fast on days appointed? |
How often? |
Index |
1st Commandments |
2nd Commandments |
3rd Commandments |
4th Commandments |
5th Commandments |
6th & 9th Commandments |
7th and 10th Commandments |
8th Commandments |
The Seven Deadly Sins etc. |
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